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By User/Domain spam/greylist and so on

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 8:24 pm
by Jack
I didn't see this mentioned before so here it is.

I would like to see the spam filtering options ability to be enabled or disable by user and domain. I have some domains and some users in these domains that would like to get all mail regardless of whether or not it's spam.

It would be great to say to a user or a domain admin that I can turn it on or off for them. Also this would be more incentive for people using the free acounts to want more options. Just add an option for each user/domain that would enable/disable filtering, greylisting and other spam options.

If there is already a way to do this I missed it.

Re: By User/Domain spam/greylist and so on

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:13 am
by rob
This is already possible now, and possible in 2 different ways. On a per user basis, you can adjust all the SPAM filters to set the SPAM flag (grey listing cannot do this however due to how it works) and then users can access the WebMail setting in filters that allows them to choose what happens to SPAM (i.e. nothing, delete, put in junk folder). The second option is to simply add data to the SPAM white list, with the SMTP Recipient Address option. You can either add a email address or an entire domain in the format *